Scaling and root planing are the first line of defense in the treatment of gum disease. Recent technology has made way for the use of lasers as another line of defense in the fight against gum disease.

Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP™) provides our patients with a minimally invasive approach to treatment compared to traditional periodontal surgery, eliminating the use of scalpels and sutures. The result is reduced healing time with improved post-surgical results.

LANAP is the only laser treatment cleared and approved by the FDA for the treatment of periodontal disease.  LANAP uses a specific wavelength that attacks infected gum tissue, leaving healthy gum tissue to regenerate.

Patients appreciate the improved comfort and healing as compared to traditional periodontal treatment. In addition, patients are not generally required to pause their anti-coagulation medications before the procedure. 

Dr. Chang and his team will perform a complete exam to evaluate you are eligible  for this high-tech, alternative treatment against periodontal disease.

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